
This website is for the purpose of making my writings more accessible to all.  I have written in a number of places before, namely in my long-term blog at sisinvincible.livejournal.com, and I would like for all of these writings to be collated into one place.

You will find that this website is split into different sections.

In the ‘Essays & Articles’ menu you will find both articles that I have had published or that I have strongly promoted through social media, and you will also find essays that I have written both during my degree and, in time, beyond.

The ‘Personal Adventures’ menu holds two main submenus: ‘Elucidations’ and ‘Guided messages’.  The ‘Elucidations’ submenu displays writings that have been mainly for self-exploratory purposes, and cover many different themes.  ‘Guided messages’ is split into ‘Illuminations’ and ‘Teachings’.  ‘Illuminations’ features writings where things have been very clear through the writing of them, as messages have been passed through me.  ‘Teachings’ holds the purest of teachings that have been written through me – things that I have been totally guided towards writing.

The ‘[R]evolutionary Manifestos’ menu holds writings that are considered to respond to social themes and offer alternatives.  ‘Manifesto to a New Ecology’ displays writings in response to the ecological difficulties of the world around me.  ‘Political Showdown’ is to be writings in direct response to mainstream or philosophical politics.  ‘Spiritual Activism’ features writings on how spiritual steps change the world.  ‘Vibrant Activism’ is about the newer form of activism that our movement is espousing, to become more vibrant and more engaging with all people for the common purpose of spreading positivity.

I consider all of this writing free to share, though I understand that copyright regulations suggest that I state that all the writings displayed on this website are ‘my own intellectual property’.  ‘My own’, for me, is not implying separation and thus duality.  ‘My own’, for me, is the same as saying ‘our own’, or, ‘our shared’.  Whilst we are all in this together, the writings are very much a part of this togetherness, and I will all others on to decide likewise.  If duality is to be broken down, we need to stop this dualism of ‘us’ and ‘them’, even when it comes to creative expression.  No creative expression is solitary – it all comes from the world and everything integrated into it.

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